About Hidden Earth Ltd

Hidden Earth Ltd is a small family business located in the beautiful Cotswolds region of South West England, known for our expertise in sourcing, importing, and selling the finest Madagascan fossils and crystals.  

Open to trade with crystal and fossil shops and other wholesalers, we warmly welcome you to our crystal and fossil emporium.

Having been working with various stones for over two decades, we are confident that we can help you find the perfect crystal or fossil for you. 

For retail customers, please feel welcome to visit our retail website Madagascan Direct, which has been successfully running for 21 years.

Buy Crystals Wholesale

Our History

28 years ago, business owner Mark Avis began trading in stones hand-picked from Madagascar, and eventually Hidden Earth was born.

Mark regularly travelled to Madagascar to select stunning fossils and crystals in person, carefully developing his keen eye for unique, high-quality minerals.

Although Mark started out in the industry by sourcing high-grade Celestite and Natural Citrine, the company slowly expanded to seek out other stones as supplies of these minerals grew scarce in Madagascar.

Hidden Earth continues to source high-quality Labradorite, Quartz, and Ammonites from Madagascar, which have always been firm favourites of our customers. 

Madagascar Fossil Wood

Exploring Madagascar: Fossilised Wood Branches (over 248 million years old)

Hidden Earth soon developed a reputation for selling unique fossils and crystals at affordable prices, both locally at our unit in England, and abroad. 

For many years, Mark regularly sold high-quality minerals at rock and gem shows around the world, including the famous Tucson Gem and Mineral Show

Nowadays, Hidden Earth operates solely from our UK base, although we continue to ship internationally. 

Sainte Marie Aux Mines Mineral Gems Show

Mark selling at a Mineral & Gem International Show

Who We Are: A Small Family Team

Mark has has passed his love for fossils and crystals onto his daughter, Alisha, who now works closely with the business as it continues to expand.

Our close-knit family team also includes Mark’s wife, Jenny, and Mark’s father, Gerald: as three generations working together, we put a lot of care and energy into our business.

Moving On: Crystals From All Over The World

Hidden Earth has now branched out to find other exciting stones sourced from all over the world, whilst maintaining our specialism in Madagascan minerals.

We have built an excellent relationship with a family of artisans in India, whom we work closely with to source rare stones such as our bespoke Amethyst Agate range.

Currently, we are very excited about our new Indian Fossil Wood project: we have searched the country for the best Petrified Wood and are very happy with the quality of what we have found.

We also have strong connections with suppliers in Brazil, where we have been sourcing some stunning Quartz points

Buy Amethyst Agate Online

What We Do

Using the connections we have built with mineral dealers and artisans all over the world, we carefully select the best crystals and fossils available and ship them to our UK base. 

Once the stones arrive in the UK, the magic really happens: in our specialist workshop, we use high-grade machinery to hand-polish the stones until they shimmer, sparkle, and gleam.

With many years of experience in fine-tuning stones until their true natural beauty shines through, we ensure the smooth polish and finish on our products is of the highest quality. 

Crystal Collections

Contact Us: Let's Get Your Crystals And Fossils

If you are a trader of fossils or crystals and are looking to increase your stock, please feel free to contact us using the form below. 

We are always happy to welcome new visitors to our unit: we have plenty of tea and coffee to spare, and we are sure you will enjoy the beautiful views which we are privileged to experience every day. 

We are very lucky to be based within a beautiful park which is home to a family of deer, as well as a small airfield: you may find yourself plane-watching or wildlife-watching after your visit!

If you are unable to visit us in person, we are well-equipped to communicate with you remotely and can ship your orders out directly to you.

Do you have any questions? We're always here to answer queries, so please contact us using the form below: 

Hidden Earth Oaksey Park Airfield

Our Gallery

A selection of some of the finest fossils and crystals from Madagascar and other countries worldwide. 

Get in touch

I'm happy for Hidden Earth Ltd to let me know about news and offers that may be of interest to me in the future. Don't worry though, we promise we will never pass your details to 3rd parties.
Copyright © 2025 Hidden Earth Ltd  |  All Rights Reserved
Unit 11a
Oaksey Park Airfield
SN16 9SD

e: info@hidden-earth.co.uk
t: 01666 577 713